Sunday 24 March 2013

First Again!

Hi... How many times has it been? Been the first-first.. The second-first, third-first.. Yah!!! Too many first blog I've made. Probably this is not my passion as I tend to neglect it over and over again. Hurm... I hate my self when I do something, I can't commit 100% to it.

I really enjoy reading blogs though. Some are about decorating homes, some are about life and journey that they went through in their daily life and my favorite of all, where people write about fashions! Yeay!!! Keep me away from stress. I know right!

Okay... This is me:

Penang 2013

Yeah... Cool right? Meh! I know what ya'll thinking now... "It's plain, nothing special" Gimme a chance will you.. hee... :) 

So... This is my boyfriend:
Also Penang in 2013
Hehe.. He used to have loooooooooong hair like this:
We are on our way to Setia City Mall. One of the rare case, he let me drive and I'm driving here while he took pic... So vain!
Handsome doesn't he? I love his long hair... But love when it is short too...

My boyfriend and I are both in the same field of work. We both read law at the same Uni and now both are working as a Lawyer. Of course, he is my senior and always had his eyes on me *wink* (Okay I lied... He doesn't know me until he has become alumni.. Yah!!!) But stiiiillll, he said he saw me few times during his uni days okayyy.. 

Right.... Few others need introduction too:

First, my beloved 'Bapa"... Old school man... I call my dad 'bapa' like P. Ramlee days...

Here he is:
Labuan 2013

Cool isn't it?? He love to work out and likes to crack a joke. Sometimes....urm... the jokes are only meant for 18years old and above... I changed my mind.... 25 years old and above!

My one and only LITTLE sister...
Labuan 2013

My second elder brother..... He loves to sleep at ALL time...
Labuan 2013

and my eldest brother together with his family...
Plaza Masalam 2012

Love... Love... Love them sooooOOOOOooooo much! That's all from me today. Will update next time ya?

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