Tuesday 23 April 2013

Can't wait.. Can't wait!!!

Hi guys and girls!

I have something that I really reeeeaalllyyy want to share..

I have been waiting this one to come out. 

I feel like ages and I'm still waiting...

What is it???

This is it.....


IRON MEN 3!!! 

My.. My... But the trailer says it will come out on 3rd May and that day is few days before the General Election day.

I guess I have no one to go with because boyfie will be very busy and plus the few coming weeks, I will be busy with my convocation (yup I will be graduating again and this time for my Master level).

Guess this will be in my DVD list...

Hey no complain right? As long I got to watch Iron Men 3. Right??

I can't wait!!!!

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